Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
ABV: 8.5%
Country: Belgium
Another beer from the Belgium brewery Huyghe, which according to the bottle, has been around since 1654. Bo had the first review with the Delirium Noel. This was a big 750mL bottle that I poured into my stein. It poured a light sunny yellow with a thick and foamy head that lingered a long time. The head eventually receded to a lace that stuck around for a while. It was slightly cloudy with plenty of particles from bottle conditioning.
The aroma was fruity, with some grapes present. This smelled similar to, of all things, a pinot grigio.
The first sip revealed a sweet and bubbly taste. Plenty of fruity flavors were present. Apricot, grapes, and apples all came through on this one. There was almost no bitterness to speak of with only a bit sneaking in at the end. Medium body with lots of carbonation. Finish was crisp and dry. Reminded me of a mix between a sparkling wine and a hard cider.
This beer does a great job of hiding it alcohol content. This also goes down incredibly easy. Between the easy drinkability and high ABV, this would be an easy beer to floor yourself with before you knew what hit you. I really enjoyed this one from start to finish, very refreshing. Forget about Miller High Life, this beer is a much more worthy bearer for the champagne of beer. I'd certainly have this one again. A
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