Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
ABV: 9%
Country: Belgium
Merry Christmas everyone! A Christmas ale for Christmas day. This here is a big 750mL making the long journey from Waarloos Belgium. A Belgian Strong Ale is always a god idea for a cold winter day and would make a perfect gift for any beer lover.
Poured a Dark, hazy caramel color. Another bottle conditioned and unfiltered beer so the haziness is a feature. A big thick head is left from the pout that melts into a nice lace that lingers throughout the entire drink.
Sticky sweet aroma, some grapes are present as well as some hints of caramel.
Plenty of sweet malts up front. There is a lot going on in the beer. Grapes and caramel are present initially along with a hint of vanilla. Not much bitterness, finishes nice and warm from the alcohol. Biscuits and grains show up in the finish along with the slightest hint of cinnamon and nutmeg. Initial sweetness is well balanced with the warming finish making a delicious combination. Body is smack dab in the middle of the pack, some good thickness without being either watery or chewy. Carbonation is nice and fizzy without being overbearing.
A very tasty beer, that goes down easy. The 9% ABV certainly sneaks up on you. From the classification as a Christmas ale, I was expecting a bit more spiciness. Otherwise, this is an excellent beer that I'd certainly drink again. A-
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