Style: Hefeweizen
ABV: 4.7%
Country: USA, Maryland
I'm usually not a fan of wheat beers, but it had been a long time since I've had one I decided to give one a shot.
It poured a cloudy, bright-yellow with a good, finger-sized head and a lingering lace.
Wheat is dominant in the aroma with a hint of spiciness.
The wheat is also dominant in the taste with a little bit of sweet licorice in the mix. Nearly no bitterness to speak of in the clean finish. Body is on the lighter end of the spectrum with a good amount of carbonation.
This beer went down quickly, however, the taste fades quickly as well. Not much jumps out at me from this one making it pretty forgettable. C-
Wheat beer in December? Blasphemy! Sounds interesting though. Spicy and licorice? I'll have to give it a try.