Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
ABV: 7.50%
Country: Belgium
Another trappist beer, this one hails from Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy and is the first of three in a series. The other two are the creatively named 8 and 10. Each one represents a step up in potency in both malts, flavors, and alcohol.
Murky brown with a fluffy off white head. Plenty of yeast visible floating around.
Sweet aroma. Dark fruits. Grapes, plums, and raisins. The aroma is fantastic, there is enough complexity to keep the sweetness from being overwhelming.
Yeasty flavor and tons of carbonation were present up front. The fruitiness from the aroma comes through a bit, but unfortunately a wave of carbonation comes through and washes a lot of the flavor away. Alcohol and sourness are both present and warming similar to what I've found in other Belgian dark ales. I wasn't too impressed with this and I hope the other two. Made me burp too much C-
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