Brewery: Mountaineer Brewing Company
Style: Pale Ale
ABV: 5.59%
Country: USA, West Virginia
Saw the label in Total Wine that said this was from West Virgina. I have plenty of family there and hadn't had a WV beer so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Poured a hazy yellow orange with a thin white head that dissipated quickly. I smelled a citrus grapefruit aroma with a bit of harsh astringent notes. Not the nicest thing in the world.
Plenty of sweet malts. Citrus hop characters up front mixes with the sweetness. Finish is only slightly bitter with some sour notes showing up as well. Kind of dull for my liking. I would have liked to have had some more bitterness, hopiness, and less sweetness. The mouth-feel was pleasant and had a nice crispiness but there wasn't much else going for this. C-
I've had one or two of these in the past, and agree with your assessment. Nothing to write home to Mom about.