Style: English Brown Ale
ABV: 5.5%
Country: USA, Texas
I picked this up at Total Wine for a couple of reasons. One, this was from Texas and there hasn't been a beer from Texas on this blog yet. Second, this is a brown ale which is a bit different than most of the beers that I've had recently, mainly IPAs, stouts, and other strong brews. This one poured caramel brown in color with plenty of ruby highlights. Off-white head was big but dissipated quickly into a thin lace. Aroma was mostly grassy with a hint of malt sweetness hiding behind it. Bready malts abound in the first sip. Plenty of earthy and grassy were present along with a peppery spiciness. A light bitterness lingers awhile with the herbal hops. This is a good English style ale where most of the main flavors are subtle and balanced. This is sort of the opposite of what I was expecting for a Texas ale. Overall though it was a pleasing beer. In the coming days I think I'll try to have some more extreme beers. B
Photo courtesy of Doug: http://www.flickr.com/photos/shyzaboy/3341505692/
If'n you don't mind, please link the photograph to the original on my Flickr account:
Brew on!
Sure thing.